We decided to have our celebratory meal at Le Train Bleu in the Gare de Lyon. The room is amazing and the staff is proud of the restoration that has been carried out.
Everywhere we looked there was something interesting to remark upon - both walls and ceiling. These pictures were taken from our table.
We decided to go for broke and have the Train Bleu Menu which is a gourmet tasting menu. It looked to be a lot but the server assured us that the portions were quite small. We started with a glass of champagne and switched to a Pomerol for the meat course.
Saumon d’Ecosse mi-fumé « maison » |
Marbré de foie gras de canard, magret fumé et artichauts |
Filets de Sole « bonne femme » |
Éclats de citron de Menton confits, granité citron |
Médaillon de veau Foyot, jus de veau acidulé |
Fromages affinés de nos régions |
They left the decenter of rum with us in case we needed more for the Baba but we found it wasn't necessary.
The meal was well prepared and well presented and each course was excellent. The veal was nicely pink and we came away full but not over full. A memorable meal and well worth the price.
An American couple, mother and daughter, were at the table next to ours. The mother is here for three years and they have been exploring Paris in the way that we like. They fine there are lots of interesting aspects once you can get away from the tourists.
After our meal we walked along the rue de Bercy to Bercy Village then took line 14 back to St-Lazare and then line 3 to Villiers.